Posted March 13 2020 - Jason Desaulniers

In response to the ongoing spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) we have compiled some helpful links that provide information about the Government of Canada’s response to the virus as well as information provided by various insurance carriers:

If you have any questions about how COVID-19 may affect travel coverages please contact us, or your insurance  provider directly. 

Official COVID-19 Updates

Information about the spread of COVID-19 in Canada can be found on the Government of Canada’s website here:

Government of Canada Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak Updates

At the time of publishing, there is no vaccine to protect against COVID-19. As such, taking personal and corporate precautionary measures is important.

Being Prepared as a Workplace

Detailed information from the WHO on getting your workplace ready for the coronavirus can be found here:

Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Being prepared

Chamber of Commerce Pandemic Business Preparation 

Detailed information from the Chamber of Commerce on preparing your business for a pandemic may be found here:


Group Benefits Considerations

Travel Benefits

Group benefits travel coverages may not be valid if traveling to a country with the following travel advisories issued:

  • Avoid non-essential travel
  • Avoid all travel

Any travel to a region with a travel advisory is strongly discouraged and can result in the denial of travel medical claims. Up to date information on current travel advisories issued by the Government of Canada can be found here:

Travel Advice and Advisories 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Travel advice

For more information about your group benefits travel coverage, view the links below or talk to your advisor or travel provider directly. Contact information can be found on your benefits booklet or you plan administration or plan member site.

Group Benefits Coverage Questions

Should you have any questions regarding benefit coverages, please contact your group benefits advisor, or the appropriate provider directly.


Specific Insurance Carrier Communications

For more information on insurance carrier specific coronavirus literature please see the links below.

Posted ON Mon, November 8, 2021 at 9:49:59 am MST    Comments (0)
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The comments contained herein are a general discussion of certain issues intended as general information only and should not be relied upon as tax or legal advice. Please obtain independent professional advice, in the context of your particular circumstances. This blog was prepared by Jason Desaulniers who is a Investment Funds Advisor at Excalibur Executive Planning Inc., a registered trade name with Investia Financial Services Inc., and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Investia Financial Services Inc. The information contained in this presentation comes from sources we believe reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability.

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