Disclaimer / Privacy Policy

Legal Disclaimer

As a user of the Internet Excalibur Executive Planning (EEPI) feels it important to make you aware that the Internet is not widely regarded as a secure environment. Should you contact EEPI or any subsidiaries within the EEPI Group of Companies via the Internet, Data sent can be accessed by third parties potentially resulting in disclosures, changes in content, technical manipulation, etc.

Data sent via the Internet may be transmitted across international borders regardless of point of origin and recipient jurisdiction; as such your Data may be forwarded through a country with a lower level of protection than your country of residence.

EEPI will not accept responsibility or liability for the security of your Data whilst in transit via the internet to us. You may deem it prudent to protect your privacy by arranging alternative means of communication with EEPI.

Privacy Policy

At Excalibur Executive Planning (EEPI) we respect your privacy  Protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy is important to us. As a provider of financial products and services, the collection and use of personal information is fundamental to our business. Equally important is your trust in our handling of your personal information.

We abide by common privacy principles and practices. As such, our customers have the assurance that the same commitment to privacy is maintained in their dealings with our company.

What is Personal Information?

"Personal information" means any information, recorded in any form, about an identified individual, other than business contact information (e.g. name, title, business address). Personal information, which may include:

  • Identification information such as name, home address, telephone, personal email address, date of birth, social insurance number (SIN), and marital status;
  • Employment information such as salary, job title, references;
  • Financial information, such as assets held; and
  • Other information necessary for Excalibur Executive Planning (EEPI) purposes, which may be voluntarily disclosed in the course of our relationship with an individual.


From time to time we may send you information about other financial products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive these additional messages please notify us.  You may unsubscribe from my mailing list at any time by contacting me by email, telephone or mail.  Life and health insurance products are provided by Jason Desaulniers and/or by Excalibur Executive Planning (EEPI), licensed Life and Health Insurance Advisor, associated with Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network.  Mutual funds are distributed through Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.  The information contained herein, including any attachments to this message, are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or privileged information.  If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure or other use of the information contained within this message may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited.  If this document, including attachments, has been received in error please destroy, delete and/or shred all copies immediately.  This communication is for your information only and is not intended as an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any investments or monetary/financial instruments.  EEPI assumes no liability for loss or damage resulting from the use of emails and reminds you of the confidentiality risks associated with sending messages over the internet.

Blog Disclaimer

This site is for general information purposes only. The information contained in this site must not be taken or relied upon by the reader as legal, accounting, taxation, financial or actuarial advice. For these matters, readers should seek independent professional advice. Please refer to insurance company illustrations, policy contracts and information folders regarding any insurance matters referred to in this site.

Mututal Funds

Mutual funds and/or exchange traded funds are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc. (“Investia”). Mutual funds and exchange traded funds products are sold exclusively by Representatives who are licensed by provincial regulators and registered with Investia.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and other expenses may be associated with mutual funds/exchange traded fund investments. Please read the Fund Fact or prospectus carefully before investing. Mutual funds and exchange traded funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and their past performance may not be repeated.


Insurance products are provided through multiple insurance carriers, including via our MGA; PPI.

Seg Funds

Segregated fund products are offered through PPI. Subject to any applicable death benefit and/or GMWB/GLWB guarantees, any part of the premium or other amount that is allocated to a segregated fund, is invested at the risk of the policy owner and may increase or decrease in value according to the fluctuations in the market value of the assets of the segregated fund.


Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc. and multiple carriers.

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