Posted on June 16th 2020 - Jason Desaulniers

It’s been about 6 months since the COVID-19 pandemic hit us here in Alberta and 6 months of changes, stress, and an overwhelming feeling of just not knowing what’s to come. In the past months, people world-wide have experienced things that we never thought we would see in our lifetime. Many lives were lost due to the virus, businesses were shut down (some permanently), and let’s face it, our whole world has changed and may never go back to “normal”. 

Even though we are still all so uncertain of many things, one thing we know is that we all need to continue to look after our health and well-being and that of those around us. How do we maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay safe during COVID-19 in a time when it seems impossible? Here are 4 great tips to keep everyone healthy, safe and able to live day to day without fear. 

Wear Masks

Yep, this is going to be part of our “new normal”, at least for the next several months (maybe much longer). But wearing masks is the best way to stay safe during COVID-19. For business owners, this means making it mandatory for yourself and your staff to wear masks, especially if working with a customer or client doesn’t allow the recommended 6 feet of distance. Make masks available at your shop or store for customers to grab if they don’t have their own. 

In your daily life, wear them to the grocery store, when you ride the bus, or when you visit a medical office of any kind. We know they aren’t the most comfortable and glamorous, but you could be saving thousands of lives by wearing a mask and helping to stop the spread. Anyone can carry COVID-19 without knowing it and can be passing it along to those at high risk. Keep everyone safe and wear a mask. There are many local businesses that are making masks and they are also available at most drive throughs and retail stores. 

Sanitize Often

When the pandemic first hit, it was impossible to find soaps, cleaners and hand sanitizer. Now that things have slowed down a bit, manufacturers have been able to catch up and re-supply stores with these products. While they aren’t sure just how long the virus can live on a hard surface, it’s still good practise to clean and sanitize often. Whether it’s the office, reception desk, door knobs, or your shopping cart and hands while running errands, sanitizing is just another quick, simple way to keep everyone (including yourself) healthy and virus free.  

Avoid Contact and Going Out When You Can

It’s completely understandable that not everyone can just sit at home all the time, we get it. But that being said, there are plenty of ways to limit contact, limit shopping trips and drastically cut back on the amount of time you spend in a store or the amount of time your business is open to the public. Keeping staff working from home as long as possible is also an important way to stay safe. 

Everyone has made some big changes to adapt to the new norm, but if you haven’t yet, these are some great ways to avoid spreading the virus and to keep everyone healthy and safe. 


  • Plan your shopping ahead of time so you know exactly what you need and avoid the need to wander the store.
  • Touch only the products you plan to purchase. If you’d like to read more about a new product (food or otherwise), look it up on your phone before purchasing. 
  • Respect the arrows and footprints on the floor. They are there for a reason.
  • Opt for contact-less delivery for take-out instead of sitting in the restaurant.
  • Have small gatherings in your home with friends and family instead of in a public place. You’ll have more control over the cleanliness of your own home, and don’t risk contracting the virus from someone else who may have it and is in the same place. 
  • Stay home if you feel unwell.


  • Switch to contactless delivery of products
  • Start up a website where people can order instead of coming into your brick and mortar store. 
  • Limit the hours you allow customers to come in. If your business used to allow regular walk-ins, switch to appointments only.
  • Ask customers or clients to come alone to meetings, shopping or during a service (i.e haircut). 

Be Prepared For Anything

Even if everyone is wearing masks, sanitizing and limiting contact it doesn’t guarantee a COVID free province and we need to be prepared. No one is completely safe from the virus. Things like ensuring you have the proper health and life insurance for yourself and your employees are very important as well. While it can’t stop you from getting the virus, it can take away the stress and worry that would come from falling ill. 

If you, your family or your employees become ill from the virus (or any other reason), giving them the peace of mind that comes with proper health insurance is important. If you need help to find the right plan for you or your employees, contact one of BP Group Solutions Insurance professionals today. We have a knowledgeable, friendly team that can guide you in the right direction. We are taking all the proper precautions to do our part in keeping everyone safe as well, so please contact us via phone or email. We look forward to helping you find the plan that suits you! Stay safe.

Posted ON Mon, November 8, 2021 at 9:44:26 am MST    Comments (0)
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The comments contained herein are a general discussion of certain issues intended as general information only and should not be relied upon as tax or legal advice. Please obtain independent professional advice, in the context of your particular circumstances. This blog was prepared by Jason Desaulniers who is a Investment Funds Advisor at Excalibur Executive Planning Inc., a registered trade name with Investia Financial Services Inc., and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Investia Financial Services Inc. The information contained in this presentation comes from sources we believe reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability.

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