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Posted on June 24 2020 by The Link Between
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Capital Required for Income
June 24, 2020
Author: The Link Between
The age-old question when planning for retirement is ‘how much do I need to save’. This calculator asks you how much annual income you’d like in retirement and for how long and gives you an idea of how much capital you’ll need to save before retirement to make your dream a reality.
Check out the calculator today.

The annual income is paid at the beginning of the year. Calculations use marginal tax rates as of January 2021. Rates take all federal and provincial taxes and surtaxes into account and the basic personal tax credit.
The taxes on the rate of return are calculated using these marginal tax rates:
29.65% for Interest, 14.83% for Eligible Dividends and 6.39% for Capital Gains.
This calculator is for educational purposes only. All charts and illustrations are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to illustrate the performance of any security or portfolio. You should not rely on the results as an indication of your financial needs and we recommend that you seek your own financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice nor shall the information herein be considered as investment advice or as a recommendation to enter into any transaction. Professional advice should be obtained prior to acting on the basis of this information. The deduction of advisory fees, brokerage or other commissions and any other expenses that would